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Day 1 Update: $11,500 raised! $48,500 left to match!

Dear ATR Family, Today's blog title speaks for itself but I have to thank you one more time. Thank you for making Day 1 of the 32-day matching period a huge success!

In just one day, y'all raised over $11,500! While this included multiple donations at a level of $1,000 or more, it also included a lot of what we like to call our "grassroots" donations and you should know that every single dollar you donate is noticed and matters.

As some incentive to keep the momentum rolling, anyone who donates $500 or more during this campaign will now receive a special "thank you" package and note from one of the horses currently in the ATR program!

Without ATR securing a permanent home, as many as 100 racehorses a year may not have a safe place to go upon retirement, so several horses are ready to "take one for the team," sacrifice a shoe, and put together a little thank you package for those who go above and beyond.

All the ways you can donate are again below:

  • Directly on the WEBSITE (accepts credit, debit, PayPal, and Venmo)

  • If you prefer, directly through PayPal or Venmo

  • Mail a check to After the Races, 3168 Telegraph Rd, Elkton, MD 21921 (tell us it's coming if you can!).

  • Donate stocks and/or securities (Contact us for more information)

  • Create a Facebook Fundraiser and raise money with your friends and family!

  • It all adds up!


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